Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices - Testing and Documentation Requirements for 510k Submissions
This guidance applies to non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) monitors using standard oscillometric measurement methods at the arm, wrist, or finger. It is intended to aid in the preparation of 510(k) applications for Class II devices regulated under 21 CFR §870.1130.
Recommended Actions
- Determine testing strategy: either comparison testing with predicate device or conformance to SP10 standard
- Develop comprehensive device description including all required elements
- Conduct required performance testing (clinical and non-clinical)
- Perform software validation and verification
- Complete EMC testing appropriate for intended use environments
- Evaluate biocompatibility of patient-contacting materials
- Prepare labeling in accordance with regulations
- Document all safety features and testing results
- Prepare regulatory submission documents (510(k) Statement, Truthful and Accuracy Statement)
- Ensure all testing protocols and reports meet the General Requirements outlined in guidance
Key Considerations
Clinical testing
- Clinical data must demonstrate that the study population is representative of the intended patient population
- Conformance to 21 CFR Part 50 (Protection of Human Subjects)
- Evaluation of all device capabilities and settings
- Intra-device variability testing between minimum of three devices required
Non-clinical testing
- Environmental testing for temperature, humidity, shock, vibration
- Mechanical safety testing
- Fluid spill resistance testing
- Package integrity testing if applicable
- Comparison testing with predicate device or conformance to SP10 standard
Human Factors
- Evaluation of controls protection
- Assessment of connector protective incompatibility
- Strangulation risk assessment
- Analysis of patient/operator interaction
- Hazard analysis required
- System and software requirements specifications
- Software verification and validation at system level
- Software revision control procedures
- Analysis of remaining software deviations
- Must conform to labeling regulations and policies
- Include SP10 standard labeling requirements if applicable
- Indications for Use Statement required
- Identification of all patient and operator contacting materials
- Conformance to ISO-10993
- Documentation of material safety for widely used materials
- Electrical safety testing
- EMC testing for emissions and immunity
- Testing for various electromagnetic interferences
- Evaluation of mechanical safety features
Other considerations
- Device description including intended use, design, specifications
- Regulatory requirements including Summary of Safety and Effectiveness
- Truthful and Accuracy Statement required
- Shelf life data if device contains sterile or degradable components
Relevant Guidances
- Design Controls for Medical Device Manufacturers
- Use of ISO 10993-1 for Biological Evaluation and Testing of Medical Devices
- Content of Premarket Submissions for Device Software Functions
- Applying Human Factors Engineering and Usability Engineering to Medical Devices
- Electromagnetic Compatibility for Medical Devices and Accessories: Testing, Documentation, and Labeling Requirements
Related references and norms
- ANSI/AAMI SP10-1992: Electronic or automated sphygmomanometers
- IEC 601-1: Medical electrical equipment safety
- IEC 529: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
- ISO-10993: Biological evaluation of medical devices
Original guidance
- Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices - Testing and Documentation Requirements for 510k Submissions
- Issue date: 1997-03-09
- Last changed date: 2020-03-18
- Status: FINAL
- Official FDA topics: Medical Devices, Premarket
- ReguVirta summary file ID: ee76d9cf7e331aec25911f98176ed60a
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