Format and Content of IDE Progress Reports
This guidance provides a suggested format for IDE (Investigational Device Exemption) progress reports that sponsors must submit to FDA. It outlines the essential elements and structure for reporting ongoing clinical investigation progress, risk analysis, manufacturing changes, and future plans.
Recommended Actions
- Establish a standardized template for IDE progress reports following the suggested format
- Implement a tracking system for:
- Investigator/site information
- Subject enrollment
- Device shipments
- Adverse effects
- Protocol deviations
- Create a process for continuous risk assessment review
- Develop a system to monitor and document manufacturing and quality control changes
- Maintain a publication tracking system for study-related articles
- Set up a timeline for PMA/510(k) submission planning
- Establish a process for reviewing and documenting investigation plan changes
- Create a standard operating procedure for progress report preparation and submission
Key Considerations
Clinical testing
- Number of investigators/investigational sites must be reported with a list of investigators
- Number of subjects enrolled (by indication or model) must be tracked
- Brief summary of study progress in relation to the investigational plan
- Summary of anticipated and unanticipated adverse effects
- Description of investigator deviations from the investigational plan
Non-clinical testing
- Include any new preclinical data and animal studies that may affect risk analysis
- Report foreign data that could impact risk assessment
- New adverse information affecting risk analysis must be reported
- Updated risk analysis if necessary based on new information
- Track and report number of devices shipped
Other considerations
- Changes in manufacturing practices and quality control must be summarized
- Changes to the investigational plan not requiring supplemental applications must be reported
- Progress toward product approval with projected submission dates
- Future plans for investigation changes must be mentioned
- Published articles from study data must be included
Relevant Guidances
- Early Collaboration Meetings for Medical Device Development: Determination and Agreement Procedures
- Changes to Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) Protocols and When FDA Approval is Required
- IDE Clinical Investigation Decision Process and Requirements
- Early Feasibility Medical Device Clinical Studies Including First in Human (FIH) Studies
Related references and norms
- 21 CFR 10.115: Good Guidance Practices
Original guidance
- Format and Content of IDE Progress Reports
- Issue date: 1996-05-31
- Last changed date: 2023-08-10
- Status: FINAL
- Official FDA topics: Medical Devices, Investigational Device Exemption (IDE), Premarket
- ReguVirta summary file ID: a980aa332c4e4501833f1266f8dd324d
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