Evaluation and Reporting of Age, Race, and Ethnicity Data in Medical Device Clinical Studies
This guidance outlines FDA's expectations and recommendations for evaluating and reporting age-, race-, and ethnicity-specific data in medical device clinical studies. It applies to devices that include clinical information in marketing submissions (510(k), PMA, De Novo, HDE) and post-approval/surveillance studies. The guidance aims to improve quality, consistency and transparency of data regarding device performance within specific demographic groups.
Recommended Actions
- Develop enrollment strategy to achieve appropriate demographic representation
- Include pre-specified plans for demographic subgroup analyses in study protocols
- Implement measures to enhance diverse enrollment and retention:
- Select diverse study sites
- Provide flexible scheduling
- Use culturally appropriate materials
- Monitor enrollment demographics
- Analyze and report:
- Enrollment demographics
- Baseline characteristics by subgroup
- Safety and effectiveness outcomes by subgroup
- Any clinically meaningful differences
- Address any observed demographic differences:
- Investigate potential causes
- Consider impact on benefit-risk profile
- Determine if additional data needed
- Update labeling as appropriate
- Consider postmarket data collection needs for demographic subgroups
- Include comprehensive demographic information in submissions and public documents
Key Considerations
Clinical testing
- Develop strategy to enroll diverse populations reflecting intended use population
- Pre-specify plans for subgroup analyses in Statistical Analysis Plan
- Consider proper study design and sufficient enrollment when differences are anticipated
- Investigate heterogeneity across demographic subgroups
- Address confounding using multivariable analyses
Human Factors
- Consider flexibility in follow-up visit scheduling
- Consider providing child care or elder care services during appointments
- Consider alternative communication strategies for study recruitment and materials
- Include demographic enrollment data and proportions
- Report outcome analyses by demographic subgroup
- Describe how differences affect benefit-risk profile
- Include discussion of clinically meaningful differences
- Provide clear statements about analyses conducted
- Examine data for clinically meaningful demographic differences in safety endpoints
- Report safety outcomes by demographic subgroup
- Investigate causes of any observed differences
Other considerations
- Consider site selection to facilitate diverse enrollment
- Monitor follow-up rates closely
- Obtain proxy contact information
- Consider cultural competency training for investigators
- Address barriers to enrollment
- Investigate reasons for under-enrollment
- Consider postmarket data collection needs
Relevant Guidances
- Collection and Reporting of Race and Ethnicity Data in Clinical Trials
- Design Considerations for Medical Device Pivotal Clinical Studies
- Evaluation of Sex and Gender Differences in Medical Device Clinical Studies (Draft)
Related references and norms
- 21 CFR 814.3(s): Definition of pediatric patients
- 21 CFR 812.25(c): Requirements for investigational plan
Original guidance
- Evaluation and Reporting of Age, Race, and Ethnicity Data in Medical Device Clinical Studies
- Issue date: 2017-09-12
- Last changed date: 2024-04-08
- Status: FINAL
- Official FDA topics: Physical Medicine, Laboratory Tests, IVDs (In Vitro Diagnostic Devices), Clinical Chemistry & Clinical Toxicology, HUD/HDE, Orthopedic, Clinical - Medical, Nose & Throat, Radiation-Emitting Products, Hematology & Pathology, Gastroenterology-Urology, 510(k), Premarket, Ear, Immunology & Microbiology, Biologics, Radiological Health, Investigational Device Exemption (IDE), Radiology, Ophthalmic, Medical Devices, Good Clinical Practice (GCP), Obstetrical & Gynecological, Cardiovascular, Labeling, General Hospital & Personal Use, Molecular and Clinical Genetics, Pediatric Product Development, General & Plastic Surgery, Premarket Approval (PMA), Dental, Neurological
- ReguVirta summary file ID: 74191746b2d7aaea1e46e6ac5377f732
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