Acceptance and Filing Reviews for Premarket Approval Applications (PMAs)
This guidance outlines the process and criteria for FDA staff to conduct acceptance and filing reviews of Premarket Approval Applications (PMAs). It applies to original PMAs and panel-track PMA supplements. The guidance aims to ensure consistent and efficient review of PMAs by establishing clear acceptance and filing criteria to determine if an application is administratively complete and contains adequate technical elements for substantive review.
Recommended Actions
- Ensure all administrative elements are complete before submission:
- All required sections in English
- Table of contents and bibliography included
- Device description and manufacturing information complete
- Required certifications and statements included
- Verify technical documentation is comprehensive:
- Full non-clinical test reports provided
- Clinical study protocols and results included
- Statistical analyses complete
- Draft labeling prepared
- Address any prior FDA feedback:
- Document prior submissions and interactions
- Address previous safety/effectiveness concerns
- Include responses to Q-submission feedback
- Validate study design and execution:
- Confirm protocol was followed
- Verify final device design was used
- Ensure population matches intended use
- Justify any deviations
- Prepare appropriate justifications:
- For any omitted elements
- For alternative approaches
- For use of foreign clinical data
- For changes in device design
- Review acceptance and filing checklists:
- Use as guide during preparation
- Ensure all criteria are addressed
- Include rationale for any N/A items
Key Considerations
Clinical testing
- Clinical study data must be collected and analyzed per protocol
- Patient population must match intended use
- Endpoints must be clinically relevant
- For OUS studies, data must be applicable to US population
- Final study protocols must be included
- Study population demographics must be provided
- Description of adverse events must be included
- Statistical analyses must be provided
Non-clinical testing
- Full test reports must be provided for:
- Sterilization
- Biological/Microbiological testing
- Immunological testing
- Toxicological/Biocompatibility testing
- Engineering testing
- Chemistry/Analytical testing
- Shelf life testing
- Animal studies
- Draft labeling must include:
- Physician labeling with indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and instructions
- Patient labeling (if required)
- Technical/Operator’s manual
- Included as part of non-clinical testing requirements
- Must provide full test reports for biocompatibility testing
- Description of adverse events must be provided
- Safety analyses must be included
- Report forms for deaths and discontinuations required
Other considerations
- Manufacturing information required for original PMAs
- Environmental assessment or categorical exclusion required
- Financial disclosure from clinical investigators required
- Pediatric use information required
- For combination products:
- Must identify as combination product
- Patent certifications required if contains approved drug
- Prior submissions must be addressed
- Q-submission interactions must be documented
Relevant Guidances
- Post-Approval Studies for Medical Devices: Protocol Development, Tracking and Reporting Requirements
- Real-Time Review Process for Minor Changes to Approved Medical Devices through PMA Supplements
- Modifications to PMA-Approved Class III Medical Devices: Selecting the Appropriate Regulatory Submission Type
- Modular Submissions for Premarket Approval Applications and Humanitarian Device Exemptions
- Annual Reports for PMA-Approved Medical Devices: Content, Format and Submission Requirements
- Manufacturing Site Inspections and PMA Review Process for Medical Devices
- User Fees and Refunds for Premarket Approval Applications and Biologics License Applications
Related references and norms
- 21 CFR 814.20: PMA content requirements
- 21 CFR 814.42: PMA filing review requirements
- 21 CFR Part 54: Financial disclosure requirements
- 21 CFR 812.28: Requirements for foreign clinical studies
Original guidance
- Acceptance and Filing Reviews for Premarket Approval Applications (PMAs)
- Issue date: 2019-12-16
- Last changed date: 2020-10-20
- Status: FINAL
- Official FDA topics: Medical Devices, Administrative / Procedural, Premarket, Premarket Approval (PMA)
- ReguVirta summary file ID: b1882459a300b242f4573eb49b848e9a
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